Fiche de race : Le Border Collie - Tao-K9

Breed sheet: The Border Collie

The border collie is a breed of dog native to Scotland and known for its intelligence and ability to work collaboratively with humans. These dogs are often used for herding sheep and cattle, but can also be good family companions. The border collie is a medium to large dog with a dense coat and bushy tail. Their coat color can vary, from black and white to red and white to brown and white. Their coat can be smooth or wavy, depending on the individual. These dogs are very intelligent and need daily mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. They are also very energetic and need regular exercise to release their energy. The border collie is known for its ability to work closely with humans. They are often used for herding flocks of sheep and cattle, thanks to their intelligence and ability to follow their master's instructions. They are also able to understand a wide range of verbal commands and hand gestures, making them ideal for dog sports such as agility and obedience. Although they are very intelligent and hardworking, border collies can also be good family companions. They are loyal and affectionate to their family, but can be a little reserved around strangers. They can also be protective of their home and family, but are generally calm inside the house. Due to their constant need for mental stimulation and exercise, border collies are not suited to apartment living. They need a spacious yard where they can run and play, and they should be taken for walks daily. They can also benefit from regular training sessions and games to keep their minds active. In summary, the border collie is an intelligent and hardworking breed of dog, known for its ability to work collaboratively with humans. They can be good family companions, but need an active and devoted owner to meet their needs
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